What is UNISA Study Fee Allocation Number?

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What is UNISA Study Fee Allocation Number? When you make payments for your studies at the University of South Africa (UNISA), it’s crucial to allocate the fees correctly to ensure they are applied to the right areas. Each type of fee at UNISA has a specific allocation number that you need to use when making payments.

What is UNISA Study Fee Allocation Number?

Guide to help you understand these allocation numbers and ensure your payments are accurately processed.

1. Study Fees Allocation Number

When paying for your tuition and other study-related fees at UNISA, you need to use the following code:

  • Study Fees Code: 5400374721

2. Library Fees Allocation Number

If you’re paying for library services, including borrowing privileges and other related costs, be sure to use this code:

  • Library Fees Code: 5400374225

3. Matriculation Exemption Fees Allocation Number

For those who need to pay matriculation exemption fees, which are applicable to certain students who need to be exempt from matriculation requirements, use the following code:

  • Matriculation Exemption Fees Code: 5352X74608

Why Accurate Fee Allocation is Important

Using the correct allocation number is essential because it ensures that your payment is applied to the correct account. Misallocated payments can lead to delays in registration, inability to access library services, or issues with matriculation exemption processing. Always double-check the allocation number before making a payment to avoid any complications.

How to Use These Codes

When making a payment, leave one block open before entering the allocation number to ensure it is correctly recorded. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do this:

  1. Initiate the Payment Process: Log into your bank’s payment portal or visit your bank to make the payment.
  2. Enter the UNISA Account Number: Use the official UNISA account number provided by the university.
  3. Leave a Block Open: Before entering the allocation code, ensure that you leave one space or block open to separate it from other information.
  4. Enter the Correct Allocation Code: Depending on the fee you’re paying, enter the appropriate allocation code (e.g., 5400374721 for study fees).
  5. Complete the Payment: Follow the instructions to finalize your payment.


Accurately using the correct UNISA fee allocation numbers is vital for ensuring your payments are applied to the right accounts. This prevents potential delays or issues in your registration, library access, or matriculation exemption, streamlining your academic experience.

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