What Does NV Mean at UNISA?

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What Does NV Mean at UNISA? When reviewing your exam results at the University of South Africa (UNISA), you may come across several abbreviations that can be confusing if you’re not familiar with their meanings. Here, we will explain these abbreviations in detail to help you understand what they signify regarding your academic performance.

What Does NV Mean at UNISA?

n.a. – Not Available or Not Applicable

The abbreviation “n.a.” stands for “not available” or “not applicable.” This indicates that the specific information or result is either not yet available or does not apply to your situation. This could be due to a variety of reasons, such as pending assessments or administrative processes.

… – Marks Still Being Processed

When you see three dots (“…”), it means that your marks are still being processed. The examination department is still finalizing your grades, and they will be available soon. This is a temporary status and will be updated once your marks are finalized.

NV – Non-Venue Exams

The abbreviation “NV” stands for “non-venue exams.” These are exams that do not require physical attendance at a specific location. Instead, they are typically conducted online or through alternative assessment methods. For non-venue exams, your marks will only be available as course results once all assessments have been completed and evaluated.

xx – Marks Processed but Not Released

The “xx” abbreviation indicates that your marks have been processed but are not yet released. This can happen for several reasons, such as pending approval from the examination board or completion of other administrative requirements. Once these steps are completed, your marks will be officially released and available for viewing.

Detailed Explanation of Non-Venue Exams (NV)

Non-venue exams, represented by the abbreviation “NV,” are a significant aspect of UNISA’s assessment methods, especially in today’s increasingly digital education environment. Unlike traditional exams that require students to be physically present at a specific venue, non-venue exams offer a more flexible approach. Here’s a detailed look at what non-venue exams entail:

Flexibility and Accessibility

Non-venue exams provide flexibility and accessibility, accommodating students who may not be able to attend exams at a designated venue due to various reasons such as geographical distance, work commitments, or personal circumstances. This approach aligns with UNISA’s commitment to distance learning and providing education that is accessible to all.

Assessment Methods

Non-venue exams can take various forms, including:

  • Online Exams: Conducted through the university’s online platforms, allowing students to complete their exams remotely.
  • Assignments: Extended written assignments or projects that replace traditional exams.
  • Practical Assessments: Practical tasks or projects that students complete and submit for evaluation.

Mark Availability

For non-venue exams, marks are typically available only as part of the final course results. This means that students might not receive immediate feedback after each non-venue assessment, but rather, their performance will be reflected in the overall course results once all assessments are completed and evaluated.

Benefits of Non-Venue Exams

  1. Convenience: Students can take exams from the comfort of their homes or any location with internet access.
  2. Reduced Stress: The flexible nature of non-venue exams can alleviate the stress associated with traveling to and from exam venues.
  3. Inclusivity: This method caters to a diverse student population, including those with disabilities or those who live in remote areas.


Understanding these abbreviations and what they represent can help you navigate your exam results more effectively. Whether it’s knowing that your marks are still being processed (“…”) or understanding the flexibility of non-venue exams (“NV”), being informed can reduce anxiety and keep you updated on your academic progress. UNISA’s use of these abbreviations is part of its commitment to transparency and efficient communication with its students.

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